SCP-XXXX: Ailment, A Severe Genetic Alteration
Item#: XXXX
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is currently being held at Site-45. The instance must be kept in a 10.16cm by 1.27cm test tube housed in an airtight cubical container. The anomaly must not be allowed contact with any other persons or anomalies unless being tested on D-Class personnel. It must not be handled without professional procedures as to avoid infection.

If infected, person(s) are to be placed within a temperature-controlled containment unit within the 1-5°C range with a surplus of water. Person(s) will drink the water until they cannot physically do so any longer. SCP-XXXX becomes inactive when within the previously mentioned 1-5°C range. From there, SCP-XXXX can be shown forming in a puddle of the previous substance it was shown as before the tube was open or broken.

Staff clearance level 3 and higher are permitted access to the anomaly, lower levels with specific granted permission.1

Description: SCP-XXXX is described as a pathogen, most formally. The instance often appears as a light purple, liquid-like substance or a dark red, jelly-like substance within its tube. Once released from the tube, the anomaly cannot be seen within the oxygen molecules around the release location, due to SCP-XXXX causing an infection at approximately fifteen seconds. The virus is typically transparent despite this unless detected with another substance that holds opaqueness or is detected by an electronic device that tracks pathogens in the air.

Once infected, person(s) must be treated as soon as possible, having shown to be untreatable after five minutes of infection. A rise in an infectee's body temperature will increase the spread of the virus throughout the body. In addition what has been previously mentioned, the virus will cause a feeling of sickness after ten minutes, symptoms similar to the Black Death. Symptoms were noted to be fever, chills, and vomiting. This makes the victim a higher breeding ground for the virus, and the vomiting can result in further spread of the pathogen through contact with or air around the vomit.

After being infected for fifteen minutes, the victim will begin to gain a hole that slowly grows in size through the center of their chest.2 Eventually, the infected will die of blood loss and organ damages.3

Addendum.XXXX.1: Discovery

On 2005/09/26, SCP-XXXX was discovered within Western Europe due after Beta-7 responded to an outbreak in a municipality in Brussels, Belgium. An audio log was recovered from the scene. The log is attached below, translated from German to English.


<MTF Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters") members and scientist Beatrix Filgadio arrived at Etterbeek, Brussels, 15:24.>

MTF-01: Alright, let's see what we have here.

MTF-02 pulls open a door to reveal a room which contains a bed and a bucket. A small window is installed in the wall opposite to them. 03 recoils and takes a step back.

MTF-03: Fuck, man, this place smells like shit.

MTF-02: Oh, you'll be fine, stop being an ass.

MTF-03: I'm just being hone-

MTF-01: Shut it, you two. Ms. Beatrix, it is alright for you to walk in.

The scientist nods, making her way inside the room. She scrunches her nose up slightly due to the horrid smell, hesitating for a second before making her way over to the body that lay on the bed. She was taken back when the person sat up, weakly grabbing onto her. They muttered something, too quiet for her to hear.

Dr. Beatrix: I'm sorry, I can't hear you.

???: Water… please…

Beatrix nods to MTF-01, the MTF handing her a water bottle. She hands the bottle to the man, who drinks half of the bottle when handed to him.

???: Thank you…

Dr. Beatrix: No problem. Can I get your name?

???: Albrecht… my name… is Albrecht.

Dr. Beatrix: Thank you, Albrecht. Do you mind if I ask you some questions and take some notes?

Albrecht: No, I don't.

Dr. Beatrix: Alright. Firstly, do you have any family members? Anyone you'd want to say anything to?

Albrecht: My daughter… please… tell her I love her.

Dr. Beatrix: Alright, what's her name?

Albrecht: Emilia.

Dr. Beatrix: Last name?

The room is silent for a moment as the man thinks.

Albrecht: Fischer.

Dr. Beatrix: Alright, thank you, Albrecht. Do you know if anyone else has been infected.

The room is silent once more.

Dr. Beatrix: Albrecht?

The man had lay back down. He died with his eyes open, staring up at Beatrix with a pained expression. Beatrix stood there for a little while, sighing before getting a sample of the virus from the man before exiting the room.

Dr. Beatrix: Close and lock up the room, please. We don't need it to spread.

MTF-01: On it.

MTF-03: Are you really gonna try and find that dude's daughter? I mean, come on-

The researcher shoots 03 a glare, causing him to go silent. He groaned a few seconds later, trudging off after her and the others as a sign of compliance.


Addendum.XXXX.2: Testing on the cause of the effects is currently in-progress. Only known reason for a section of the effects has been shown to be linked to the bacterium Yersinia pestis. Research is currently focused on the development of the hole mentioned previously in this file. Suspicion of this being linked to a Ventricular Septal Defect. Previous statement has been disproved.

Addendum.XXXX.3: Recent testing has given the Foundation a better example of what someone would experience when infected by SCP-XXXX. A typed version of what D-2839 was writing down is attached below.


DATE: 2006/11/24

NOTE: This is a copy of D-2839's writing, retyped for clarity.

14:57: Nothing much has happened yet, just kinda sitting here.

15:04: Okay, I'm starting to not feel well.

15:10: Really not feeling well. I feel hot all around and really sick like I'm gonna throw up.

15:14: Update; I threw up.

15:14: What the fuck? There's some tiny hole in my chest, about the size of a pea, but God does it hurt like hell.

15:20: What the hell is happening to me

15:22: I think I'm dying

15:24: I've thrown up four times now I hate this

15:30: The hole [UNINTELLIGEBLE] bigger

15:3?: I feel so awful

15:??: Ithinkimdead

1?:?? my organs are ontheflor

????: telmy mo[UNINTELLIGEBLE]

D-2839 died at 15:56 due to blood loss and organ exposure.

After the death of D-2839, Dr. Filgadio had gotten the area to be cleaned and transferred over as much of the writing as possible. D-Class showed shaky and eventually unreadable writing as the time went by, presumably due to weakness from the infection. This test had proved useful in further studies on the effects of SCP-XXXX.

Update: A video file has been recently discovered, recorded by Dr. Filgadio and Dr. Illinois. The recording is extremely graphic due to the nature of SCP-XXXX.

Note: After the death of Albrecht, Dr. Filgadio had wrote a letter to the male's daughter. A copy of the letter can be found below.

Mrs. Emilia Fischer,

I regret to inform you about your father's passing. He requested that I tell you that he loves you before he passed. I am deeply sorry for your loss, but just know that he truly cared about and loved you. If you need any support during this time, feel free to write me back, or email me. My email is moc.liamy|oidaglif.b#moc.liamy|oidaglif.b. I hope this reaches you well, and that you have the best of luck in your future.

-Dr. Beatrix Filgadio

Dr. Filgadio has shown true sympathy for the woman, making a few visits to her after an exchange in conversation between the two. Emilia's mental state has been improving, and they have formed a great bond. Dr. Filgadio is using sick days to visit Mrs. Fischer for two weeks, as of 2006/10/14.

An email thread sent to Dr. Illinois from Dr. Filgadio about the trip is attached below.

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